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6 years ago: March 4, 2019

Today I gave a little makeover to a Waxing/Spa room at my Salon. It needed to feel fresh and lively. First thing was to pick out paint colors, I decided on a Charcol  called "Vintage frame" by Valspar.  A light grey called "After the rain" by Clark+ Kensington. I bought both at Ace Hardware. 

Now painting is not generally my favorite thing to do, but I think my mind has been changed today, I rather enjoyed it. It's a fasinating thing to be right there and watch a room change before your eyes. I had to keep stepping back to look at the difference. Going from a warm Mustard paint from the early 2000's to a more crisp and modern feel. Now having changed the paint it really makes everything else in the room need some love as well.

I infussed some accesories and art , next step peel and stick wall paper that I got from

Next off is hanging some easy pictures I used very flat frames from the dollar store, pulled out pictures of brows from Elle, InStlye, Bazaar and Vogue. ( Also got a education on the style of brows right now) I also used Command Strips they are my favorite way to hang photos. 

I first layed them out on the floor to get an idea of how I want it to look o the wall, then the fun begins, hanging them on the wall, the floor in this room are slanted as it is a old building, so trying to make things look level is tricky. I love how the finished wall looks. 




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